Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hooray for "Duck Tape 2"!

Rhymetime Publishing  has completed  "Duck Tape 2", and it is now available at the Big E and at Millrace Bookstore in Farmington, Connecticut. Books and coloring books can be ordered by emailing .  The cost per book is $9 and $12 for the set.  Please include $2 for postage.  The book and companion coloring book which includes illustrations from "Duck Tape" is a wonderful holiday gift for children. 

"Duck Tape 2" is about the curious duck from "Duck Tape" who finds himself in a dilemma:  no more tape!  The duck and his friends recycle the tape and store it away to use over and over.  In the process, they clean up the lake and celebrate by joining a band!  This book has been entered into the New England Book Festival...and will be sent again to Oprah!  Her love of duct tape is well documented on Oprah so maybe she'll reply this time! 

Can't wait to share this new book with you all!  The leaves in New England are gorgeous and peak viewing is upon us!  Enjoy the fall with a new book:  "Duck Tape 2" !

1 comment:

  1. A pretty good book to teach children about recycling .
